I subscribe to a newsletter from Paul and Layne Cutright who talk about ways to create successful relationships. Often they say the same kind of things that I do. Sometimes they say it better! Recently, I received one of their newsletters and thought that it said something very important and very well. So today, I am going to quote them here for you. Enjoy!
“If you want people to tell you the truth, be willing to hear it. Many people gripe about others being dishonest, but rarely do they look at whether they make it safe for someone to tell them the truth. If you make if difficult for people to be honest with you, mostly likely they won’t be. This can condemn you to a lifetime of superficial or adversarial relationships. On the other hand, if you make it safe for people to be honest with you, most likely they will be, and you can experience some of life’s most rewarding moment through authenticity and genuine caring.
“A good listener…
- is curious, open-minded, and nonjudgmental.
- enjoys the process of discovery and doesn’t interrupt or jump to conclusions.
- knows that the truth someone starts with may not be the same one they find at the end of a conversation.
- Pays full attention and asks for clarification when necessary.
- Can tolerate opinions different from his or her own without becoming defensive or argumentative.
“To have successful communication every time, you must not only speak the truth, but you must be prepared to hear it. You must invite the truth with your attitude and behavior.”
Thank you, Paul and Layne! (If you would like to learn more about Paul and Layne and/or subscribe to their newsletter, check them out at www.paulandlayne.com.)