So many to-do’s and so little time. Yet I know I have the same 24 hours as everyone else. So what am I doing with that time? It feels like I am busy all day long. When I get to the end of the day I’m tired, even worn out sometimes. And even though I have been spending more time on the big things, some of the smaller things still need to get done – but there doesn’t ever seem to be enough time for everything I really need to do.
So when I went online to find some suggestions for more effective time management, I found a great idea! Keep a time diary! Like a food diary for people who are trying to become more aware of what and how much they are eating, I am keeping a time diary to become more aware of what I am spending my time on, and how much time I spend on each activity.
I can already see that I spend too much time online. No surprise there. And I spend too much time in front of the TV at night instead of either working or just going to sleep. I have been using TV to numb out after a long day, but it doesn’t really help. So I think I will try a little more work after dinner and then going to bed earlier. This time diary thing is really interesting. Not only does it give me more information but, based on that information, I can make better choices. I’m definitely liking this! If you feel like you don’t know where your time goes, try a time diary for a week. You’ll be amazed! Enjoy!