Choose Ease And Enjoyment – It’s A Lot More Fun!
In keeping with my new focus on ease and enjoyment (instead of struggle and frustration), I have been looking at where these things happen in my life. And I discovered that at least so far, every time...
View ArticleWant To Change Direction? Get Going First!
I am working to get my business off the ground, and I am learning a lot as I go along. Some things that I am learning require me to make changes. But like a car, it is easier to change direction if it...
View ArticleHurray For The Power Of Positive Thinking!
I got keys to my new office last week. This week has been about trying to coordinate moving some furniture into that space so that my clients and I have some place to sit! I do love the space! It’s in...
View ArticleScheduling And Accomplishing Go Hand In Hand!
Wow! The year is basically half over! I can’t believe it has gone so quickly. So many changes, lots of progress in some areas, not so much in others. I think my primary challenge is time management. I...
View ArticleDon’t Know Where Your Time Goes? Try A Time Diary!
So many to-do’s and so little time. Yet I know I have the same 24 hours as everyone else. So what am I doing with that time? It feels like I am busy all day long. When I get to the end of the day I’m...
View ArticleTruth Is A Two-Way Street!
I subscribe to a newsletter from Paul and Layne Cutright who talk about ways to create successful relationships. Often they say the same kind of things that I do. Sometimes they say it better!...
View ArticleGreat Ways To Tame My Inbox!
Last week was about getting back on track after being sick for two weeks. Lots of delayed to-do’s that needed to get done. When I was sick, I got off track with my time diary because there were days...
View ArticleGoals, Strategies and Tasks!
I have decided that my life needs more organization. Those of you who ever visited my formally messy home in Cincinnati will appreciate the truth of this statement. Moving to San Francisco allowed me...
View ArticleThe Secret To Surviving Uncertainty!
It has been a crazy week. I traveled from a seminar in North Carolina to another seminar in Washington, D.C. That is finishing up today and tomorrow I head home. I will be very glad to be home again...
View ArticleLife With Only 100 Things!
At the end of October, I started my annual “retrospective”. I am taking the next month or so to stand back and look over my past year. I am asking myself – what worked? What didn’t work? Where can I do...
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